Worship choir

The Worship Choir includes band members and praise singers from the Worship Team as well as other singers. 

If you love to sing and worship, this will be a powerful time of ministry and a great way to meet people!

We will be launching our Fall/Winter Choir starting Sunday Sept. 18 and participants will serve two Sundays a month on a rotation.  

For more information and to register, click here

For questions contact Josh Zabawski.

media/tech team

We live in a world driven by media and technology and the church is no exception to that rule. It is our belief at Harvest that everything we do unto the Lord should be done with excellence and should be used to enhance our worship experience, not distract from it. If God has gifted you with the talent and skills of modern day media technology there is a place for you to minister and serve.

Opportunities for service include: 

If you're interested in serving on our tech team click here.

For more information contact Pastor Josh.